C0001077 - An organism originally isolated from sewage, manure, humus, and soil, but recently found as a parasite in mammals and birds. 6/10
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CUI    C0001077
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000128 L0889382preferred S1093199 Y ACHOLEPLASMA LAIDLAWII
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000128 L1530568no S1826477 Y MIKOPLAZMA LAIDLAWII
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000128 L3357759no S3885243 Y МИКОПЛАЗМА LAIDLAWII
Medical Subject Headings A0018513 AT38143141 An organism originally isolated from sewage, manure, humus, and soil, but recently found as a parasite in mammals and birds.