C0001241 - Behavioral manifestation of those impulses and desires that are unacceptable or irreconcilable with an individual's conscience. When such behavior becomes maladaptive, socially or personally, it is classified as an acting out disorder. 2/10
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CUI    C0001241
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000184 L3343447preferred S3870930 Y ВСПЫЛЬЧИВОСТЬ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000184 L0907454no S1111271 Y VSPYL'CHIVOST'
Medical Subject Headings A0019322 AT38153458 Expressing unconscious emotional conflicts or feelings, often of hostility or love, through overt behavior.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13044666 AT204248392 Vyjádření nevědomých emocionálních konfliktů nebo pocitů, často nepřátelství nebo lásky, prostřednictvím zjevného chování.
MSHNOR A20196231 AT221429469 Uttrykke ubevisste følelsesmessige konflikter eller andre følelser, ofte fiendtlige eller knyttet til kjærlighetslivet ved hjelp av direkte atferd.
(PSY) Psychological Index Terms A7559238 AT46116543 Behavioral manifestation of those impulses and desires that are unacceptable or irreconcilable with an individual's conscience. When such behavior becomes maladaptive, socially or personally, it is classified as an acting out disorder.