C0001819 - An anxiety disorder characterized by agoraphobia in the absence of a history of panic attacks; the individual fears incapacitation or humiliation in open, public places or situations due to panic-like symptoms rather than a full-blown panic attack. 1/10
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CUI    C0001819
RussianMDRRUS 10001505 L15743904preferred S19015777 Y Агорафобия без упоминания панических атак
RussianMDRRUS 10001504 L15743905no S19015778 Y Агорафобия при отсутствии панических нарушений в анамнезе
NCI Thesaurus A7604015 AT198017444 An anxiety disorder characterized by agoraphobia in the absence of a history of panic attacks; the individual fears incapacitation or humiliation in open, public places or situations due to panic-like symptoms rather than a full-blown panic attack.