C0002430 - A salamander found in Mexican mountain lakes and accounting for about 30 percent of the urodeles used in research. The axolotl remains in larval form throughout its life, a phenomenon known as neoteny. 2/10
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CUI    C0002430
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000558 L3337895preferred S3865376 Y АМБИОСТОМА МЕКСИКАНСКАЯ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000558 L0889780no S1093597 Y AMBIOSTOMA MEKSIKANSKAIA
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000558 L1507948no S1803857 Y AKSOLOTL' MEKSIKANSKII
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000558 L3337425no S3864906 Y АКСОЛОТЛЬ МЕКСИКАНСКИЙ
Medical Subject Headings A0022445 AT115062754 A salamander found in Mexican mountain lakes and accounting for about 30 percent of the urodeles used in research. The axolotl remains in larval form throughout its life, a phenomenon known as neoteny.