C0002726 - An accumulation of amyloid protein. 2/10
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CUI    C0002726
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000686 L3338005preferred S3865486 Y АМИЛОИДОЗ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000686 L0889840no S1093657 Y AMILOIDOZ
RussianMDRRUS 10002022 L15710862no S19016898 N Амилоидоз
RussianMDRRUS 10002022 L15710862no S19016898 Y Амилоидоз
RussianMDRRUS 10002021 L15721853no S19016889 Y Амилоидная дистрофия
RussianMDRRUS 10002024 L15777124no S19016896 Y Амилоидоз, БДУ
RussianMDRRUS 10002023 L15788070no S19016899 Y Амилоидозы
Medical Subject Headings A0023236 AT43117819 A group of sporadic, familial and/or inherited, degenerative, and infectious disease processes, linked by the common theme of abnormal protein folding and deposition of AMYLOID. As the amyloid deposits enlarge they displace normal tissue structures, causing disruption of function. Various signs and symptoms depend on the location and size of the deposits.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0473524 AT32352654 any disease manifested by the pathogenic accumulation of amyloid in organs and tissues.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13048866 AT231361853 Onemocnění charakterizované ukládáním amyloidu do mezibuněčného prostoru a do okolí cév různých orgánů (srdce, ledviny, konečníku aj.). Projevuje se jejich různě těžkým poškozením. A. provází některá chronická onemocnění, někdy je příčina neznámá. Průkaz je možný histologicky po speciálním obarvení vyšetřované tkáně (depozita mají kongofilní charakter). V extracelulárním prostoru se ukládají fibrilární proteiny různého typu (např. lehké řetězce imunoglobulinů, β2-mikroglobulin, SAA aj.) a tzv. P komponenta. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2017 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz)
CHV A18626991 AT130671571 A group of diseases in which protein is deposited in specific organs or throughout the body.
CHV A18664143 AT130671572 A group of diseases in which protein is deposited in specific organs or throughout the body.
CHV A18664144 AT130671573 A group of diseases in which protein is deposited in specific organs or throughout the body.
CHV A18682585 AT130671574 A group of diseases in which protein is deposited in specific organs or throughout the body.
MEDLINEPLUS A21144868 AT203072907

Amyloidosis occurs when abnormal proteins called amyloids build up and form deposits. The deposits can collect in organs such as the kidney and heart. This can cause the organs to become stiff and unable to work the way they should.

There are three main types of amyloidosis:

  • Primary - with no known cause
  • Secondary - caused by another disease, including some types of cancer
  • Familial - passed down through genes

Symptoms can vary, depending upon which organs are affected. Treatment depends on the type of amyloidosis you have. The goal is to help with symptoms and limit the production of proteins. If another disease is the cause, it needs to be treated.

HPO A24672079 AT206297672 The presence of amyloid deposition in one or more tissues. Amyloidosis may be defined as the extracellular deposition of amyloid in one or more sites of the body. [HPO:probinson, pmid:21039326]
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A7568716 AT198053931 A group of diseases in which protein builds up in certain organs (localized amyloidosis) or throughout the body (systemic amyloidosis). Amyloidosis may be either primary (with no known cause), secondary (caused by another disease, including some types of cancer, such as multiple myeloma), or hereditary (passed down from parents to children). Many organs are affected by amyloidosis. The organs affected may depend on whether the amyloidosis is the primary, secondary, or hereditary form.
NCI Thesaurus A7568716 AT198140122 A disorder characterized by the localized or diffuse accumulation of amyloid protein in various anatomic sites. It may be primary, due to clonal plasma cell proliferations; secondary, due to long standing infections, chronic inflammatory disorders, or malignancies; or familial. It may affect the nerves, skin, tongue, joints, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.
NCI Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium A7568716 AT210370256 An accumulation of amyloid protein.