C0002982 - Irregular lines in the deep retina that are typically configured in a radiating fashion and emanate from the optic disc. Angioid streaks are crack-like dehiscences in abnormally thickened and calcified Bruch's membrane, resulting in atrophy of the overlying retinal pigment epithelium. They may be associated with a number of endocrine, metabolic, and connective tissue abnormalities but are frequently idiopathic. [HPO:probinson, ORCID:0000-0003-0986-4123] 1/10
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CUI    C0002982
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000793 L3369146preferred S3896636 Y СЕТЧАТКИ СОСУДОВ СПАЗМ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000793 L0904360no S1108177 Y SETCHATKI SOSUDOV SPAZM
RussianMDRRUS 10066191 L15733087no S19017604 Y Ангиоидные полосы
Medical Subject Headings A0023942 AT38152343 Small breaks in the elastin-filled tissue of the retina.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13044757 AT195261649 Cévám podobné pruhy pozorovatelné na očním pozadí. Probíhají obv. radiálně, peripapilárně, mohou připomínat trhlinky ve skořápce. Jde o břidlicově šedavé proužky vybíhající radiálně z neúplného šedavého kruhu kolem papily zrakového nervu. Podstatou jsou trhlinky v Bruchově membráně. Jejich vznik souvisí s poškozením a rupturou elastických vláken (vyskytují se u syndromu Groenbladové-Strandberga, pseudoxanthoma elasticum). Trvalou postupnou progresí dojde k poškození makuly a zraku. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
MSHNOR A21175110 AT211615373 Åreliknende, strekformede tegninger i øyebunnen; en tilstand som skyldes nedbrytning og rivninger (brekkasje) av det elastinholdige vevet i netthinnen.
HPO A29413280 AT235363751 Irregular lines in the deep retina that are typically configured in a radiating fashion and emanate from the optic disc. Angioid streaks are crack-like dehiscences in abnormally thickened and calcified Bruch's membrane, resulting in atrophy of the overlying retinal pigment epithelium. They may be associated with a number of endocrine, metabolic, and connective tissue abnormalities but are frequently idiopathic. [HPO:probinson, ORCID:0000-0003-0986-4123]