C0003062 - <p>A living subject from the animal kingdom.</p> 1/10
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CUI    C0003062
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000818 L3349054preferred S3876537 Y ЖИВОТНЫЕ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000818 L0907805no S1111622 Y ZHIVOTNYE
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000818 L3349052no S3876535 Y ЖИВОТНОЕ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000818 L6967200no S8111226 Y ZHIVOTNOE
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0248415 AT58741051 multicellular organisms whose classification is based on tissues or organ arrangement; heterotrophic; use sexual reproduction in which a fertilized egg develops in stages; vertebrate and invertebrate types; index specific animal when possible.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13061594 AT145633947 Jednobuněčné nebo mnohobuněčné heterotrofní organismy, které mají smyslové vnímání a schopnost volního pohybu. Ve starším modelu pěti živočišných říší byla Animalia jednou z těchto říší. V novém modelu tří domén představují Animalia jednu z mnoha skupin domény EUKARYOTA.
(ICF) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health A16037439 AT104916683 Multicellular organisms of the kingdom Animalia, differing from plants in certain typical characteristics such as capacity for locomotion, non-photosynthetic metabolism, pronounced response to stimuli, restricted growth, and fixed bodily structure, such as wild or farm animals, reptiles, birds, fish and mammals.
(ICF-CY) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth A16038883 AT104928349 Multicellular organisms of the kingdom Animalia, differing from plants in certain typical characteristics such as capacity for locomotion, non-photosynthetic metabolism, pronounced response to stimuli, restricted growth, and fixed bodily structure, such as wild or farm animals, reptiles, birds, fish and mammals.
HL7V3.0 A19721501 AT144249462

A living subject from the animal kingdom.

Medical Subject Headings A2782515 AT115063562 Unicellular or multicellular, heterotrophic organisms, that have sensation and the power of voluntary movement. Under the older five kingdom paradigm, Animalia was one of the kingdoms. Under the modern three domain model, Animalia represents one of the many groups in the domain EUKARYOTA.
(PSY) Psychological Index Terms A7559332 AT46115741 Conceptually broad term. Use a more specific term if possible (e.g., VERTEBRATES, MAMMALS, DOGS).
NCI Thesaurus A7568764 AT197965599 A living organism that has membranous cell walls, requires oxygen and organic foods, and is capable of voluntary movement, as distinguished from a plant or mineral.
NCI Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model A7568764 AT198101708 A non-human living organism that has membranous cell walls, requires oxygen and organic foods, and is capable of voluntary movement, as distinguished from a plant or mineral. EXAMPLE(S): dog, cat, mouse, microorganism.
HL7V3.0 A8317481 AT144249463

A living subject from the animal kingdom.