C0003153 - The part of the eye anterior to the lens, including but not limited to the anterior chamber, cornea and related structures. 1/10
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CUI    C0003153
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000869 L3345609preferred S3873081 Y ГЛАЗА ПЕРЕДНИЙ СЕГМЕНТ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000869 L0894864no S1098681 Y GLAZA PEREDNII SEGMENT
Medical Subject Headings A0024525 AT73520878 The front third of the eyeball that includes the structures between the front surface of the cornea and the front of the VITREOUS BODY.
MSHNOR A21171857 AT211615376 Fremre tredjedel av øyeeplet som omfatter alle de strukturene som ligger mellom den fremre overflaten av kornea (HORNHINNE) og fremsiden av glasslegemet (GLASSLEGEME).
NCI Thesaurus A7568787 AT198015374 The part of the eye anterior to the lens, including but not limited to the anterior chamber, cornea and related structures.