C0003272 - A type of immune reaction in which a target cell or microbe is coated with antibodies and killed by certain types of white blood cells. The white blood cells bind to the antibodies and release substances that kill the target cells or microbes. 1/10
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CUI    C0003272
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000920 L3339076preferred S3866551 Y АНТИТЕЛО-ЗАВИСИМЫХ КЛЕТОК ЦИТОТОКСИЧНОСТЬ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000920 L0890282no S1094099 Y ANTITELO-ZAVISIMYKH KLETOK TSITOTOKSICHNOST'
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000920 L1546715no S1842624 Y TSITOTOKSICHNOST' ANTITELO-ZAVISIMYKH KLETOK
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D000920 L3376499no S3903992 Y ЦИТОТОКСИЧНОСТЬ АНТИТЕЛО-ЗАВИСИМЫХ КЛЕТОК
Medical Subject Headings A0024811 AT38133889 The phenomenon of antibody-mediated target cell destruction by non-sensitized effector cells. The identity of the target cell varies, but it must possess surface IMMUNOGLOBULIN G whose Fc portion is intact. The effector cell is a "killer" cell possessing Fc receptors. It may be a lymphocyte lacking conventional B- or T-cell markers, or a monocyte, macrophage, or polynuclear leukocyte, depending on the identity of the target cell. The reaction is complement-independent.
Gene Ontology A11606815 AT159364206 Cytolysis of target cells by natural killer cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes, or macrophages following engagement of antibodies bound to the target cells by Fc receptors on the effector cells. [GOC:pr, ISBN:0781735149, PMID:11677095, PMID:9581795]
NCI Thesaurus A7669425 AT198064908 The target killing of a cell depending on antibody recognition. An antibody is directed to the target by antigen-binding arms and anchors to the killer cell by an Fc receptor. The identity of the target cell varies, but it must possess surface IgG whose Fc portion is intact. The effector "killer" cell possesses Fc receptors. It may be a lymphocyte lacking conventional B- or T-cell markers, or a monocyte, macrophage, or polynuclear leukocyte, depending on the identity of the target cell. The reaction is complement-independent.
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A7669425 AT198077223 A type of immune reaction in which a target cell or microbe is coated with antibodies and killed by certain types of white blood cells. The white blood cells bind to the antibodies and release substances that kill the target cells or microbes.