C0004239 - A type of atrial arrhythmia characterized by atrial rates of between 240 and 400 beats per minute and some degree of atrioventricular node conduction block. Typically, the ventricular rate is half the atrial rate. In the EKG; atrial flutter waves are observed as sawtooth-like atrial activity. Pathophysiologically, atrial flutter is a form of atrial reentry in which there is a premature electrical impulse creates a self-propagating circuit. [HPO:probinson] 4/10
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CUI    C0004239
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001282 L3365037preferred S3892521 Y ПРЕДСЕРДИЙ ТРЕПЕТАНИЕ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001282 L0902559no S1106376 Y PREDSERDII TREPETANIE
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001282 L1546147no S1842056 Y TREPETANIE PREDSERDII
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001282 L1547883no S1843792 Y USHKA PREDSERDIIA TREPETANIE
RussianMDRRUS 10003662 L15774768no S19086642 N Трепетание предсердий
RussianMDRRUS 10016827 L15774768no S19086642 N Трепетание предсердий
RussianMDRRUS 10003662 L15774768no S19086642 Y Трепетание предсердий
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001282 L3372629no S3900123 Y ТРЕПЕТАНИЕ ПРЕДСЕРДИЙ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001282 L3373665no S3901158 Y УШКА ПРЕДСЕРДИЯ ТРЕПЕТАНИЕ
Medical Subject Headings A0027669 AT73565569 Rapid, irregular atrial contractions caused by a block of electrical impulse conduction in the right atrium and a reentrant wave front traveling up the inter-atrial septum and down the right atrial free wall or vice versa. Unlike ATRIAL FIBRILLATION which is caused by abnormal impulse generation, typical atrial flutter is caused by abnormal impulse conduction. As in atrial fibrillation, patients with atrial flutter cannot effectively pump blood into the lower chambers of the heart (HEART VENTRICLES).
NCI Thesaurus A10760132 AT197969318 A disorder characterized by an electrocardiographic finding of an organized, regular atrial rhythm with atrial rate of 240-340 beats per minute. Multiple P waves typically appear in the inferior leads in a saw tooth-like pattern between the QRS complexes. (CDISC)
NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events A10760132 AT198092787 A disorder characterized by a dysrhythmia with organized rhythmic atrial contractions with a rate of 200-300 beats per minute. The rhythm disturbance originates in the atria.
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A10760132 AT210377619 A rapid heart rate, associated with a regular rhythm, that is caused by abnormal electrical activity within the atria.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A18955747 AT221360125 Srdeční arytmie, jejímž původem je abnormální šíření srdečního vzruchu srdečními předsíněmi. Dochází při něm k rychlým stahům srdečních předsíní (české pojmenování kmitání síní), obvykle je spojen také s rychlou frekvencí srdečních komor, což se projeví rychlým srdečním pulzem (tachykardií). Patří do skupiny supraventrikulárních tachykardií. Je rytmem poměrně nestabilním, obvykle přechází do fibrilace síní, je však možný i chronický průběh flutteru trvající měsíce až roky. (cit. Wikipedie 2016 http://www.cs.wikipedia.org/)
MSHNOR A21175148 AT221567682 Raske irregulære sammetrekninger av atriene forårsaket av blokk i av den elektriske impulsdannelsen i høyre atrium og en bølgefront som brer seg opp skilleveggen mellom atriene og ned den høyre frie veggen på høyre atrium eller vice versa. I motsetning til atrieflimmer som er forårsaket av abnorm impulsdannelse, skyldes atrieflutter abnorm impulsledning. Som ved atrieflimmer kan ikke pasienter med atrieflutter pumpe blod effektivt inn i hjertets ventrikler.
HPO A24680373 AT206283751 A type of atrial arrhythmia characterized by atrial rates of between 240 and 400 beats per minute and some degree of atrioventricular node conduction block. Typically, the ventricular rate is half the atrial rate. In the EKG; atrial flutter waves are observed as sawtooth-like atrial activity. Pathophysiologically, atrial flutter is a form of atrial reentry in which there is a premature electrical impulse creates a self-propagating circuit. [HPO:probinson]