C0005836 - Any agent that is able to increase blood volume and/or increase the oxygen transport in the blood. 1/10
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CUI    C0005836
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L3353899preferred S3881382 Y КРОВЕЗАМЕНИТЕЛИ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L0897639no S1101456 Y KROVEZAMENITELI
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L1518313no S1814222 Y ERITROTSITOV ZAMENITELI
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L1521082no S1816991 Y GEMOGLOBINA ZAMENITELI
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L1527111no S1823020 Y KROV' ISKUSSTVENNAIA
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L3344080no S3871552 Y ГЕМОГЛОБИНА ЗАМЕНИТЕЛИ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L3354011no S3881494 Y КРОВЬ ИСКУССТВЕННАЯ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001802 L3378300no S3905793 Y ЭРИТРОЦИТОВ ЗАМЕНИТЕЛИ
Medical Subject Headings A0031670 AT127396191 Substances that are used in place of blood, for example, as an alternative to BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS after blood loss to restore BLOOD VOLUME and oxygen-carrying capacity to the blood circulation, or to perfuse isolated organs.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13040764 AT145634227 Látky, které se užívají místo krve, například jako alternativa ke KREVNÍ TRANSFÚZI po ztrátě krve pro obnovení KREVNÍHO OBJEMU a kyslíkové kapacity krevního oběhu nebo při perfúzi izolovaných orgánů.
UMD A25758663 AT210355310 Substances designed to substitute all or some of the properties of human blood or its components. A whole blood substitute should provide a reasonable amount of oxygen delivery when compared with human red blood cells, should be readily available, and have a long storage life, preferably at room temperature; the substitute should not induce immune responses (i.e., lack of antigenicity) and have a low capability to transmit infections. Most blood substitutes are intended to provide a substitute for the oxygen-carrying capabilities of blood (i.e., red blood cell substitutes); there are also some blood component substances intended as platelet substitutes.
MSHNOR A26536335 AT211615413 Substanser som brukes i stedet for blod, f.eks. som alternativ til blodoverføring, for å gjenopprette tapt blodvolum og oksygenbærende kapasitet i blodsirkulasjonen, eller til perfusjon av isolerte organer.
NCI Thesaurus A7637344 AT197992461 Any agent that is able to increase blood volume and/or increase the oxygen transport in the blood.