C0005931 - A specialized CONNECTIVE TISSUE that is the main constituent of the SKELETON. The principal cellular component of bone is comprised of OSTEOBLASTS; OSTEOCYTES; and OSTEOCLASTS, while FIBRILLAR COLLAGENS and hydroxyapatite crystals form the BONE MATRIX. 1/10
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CUI    C0005931
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001842 L3353642preferred S3881126 Y КОСТЬ И КОСТНЫЕ ТКАНИ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001842 L0897456no S1101273 Y KOST' I KOSTNYE TKANI
Medical Subject Headings A0031959 AT226471094 A specialized CONNECTIVE TISSUE that is the main constituent of the SKELETON. The principal cellular component of bone is comprised of OSTEOBLASTS; OSTEOCYTES; and OSTEOCLASTS, while FIBRILLAR COLLAGENS and hydroxyapatite crystals form the BONE MATRIX.