C0007554 - A third generation semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotic with bactericidal activity. Cefotaxime inhibits mucopeptide synthesis by binding to and inactivating penicillin binding proteins thereby interfering with the final transpeptidation step required for cross-linking of peptidoglycan units which are a component of bacterial cell walls. This results in a reduction of cell wall stability and causes cell lysis. 1/10
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CUI    C0007554
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D002439 L3376144preferred S3903637 Y ЦЕФОТАКСИМ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D002439 L0906396no S1110213 Y TSEFOTAKSIM
Medical Subject Headings A0036223 AT38146232 Semisynthetic broad-spectrum cephalosporin.
PDQ A4344642 AT70660079 A third generation semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotic with bactericidal activity. Cefotaxime inhibits mucopeptide synthesis by binding to and inactivating penicillin binding proteins thereby interfering with the final transpeptidation step required for cross-linking of peptidoglycan units which are a component of bacterial cell walls. This results in a reduction of cell wall stability and causes cell lysis. Check for "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=39177&idtype=1" active clinical trials or "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=39177&idtype=1&closed=1" closed clinical trials using this agent. ("http://nciterms.nci.nih.gov:80/NCIBrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI_Thesaurus&code=C354" NCI Thesaurus)
NCI Thesaurus A7569400 AT198054507 A third generation semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotic with bactericidal activity. Cefotaxime inhibits mucopeptide synthesis by binding to and inactivating penicillin binding proteins thereby interfering with the final transpeptidation step required for cross-linking of peptidoglycan units which are a component of bacterial cell walls. This results in a reduction of cell wall stability and causes cell lysis.