C0013443 - A sensory organ that contains auditory and vestibular apparatuses. 2/10
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CUI    C0013443
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004423 L3373613preferred S3901106 Y УХО
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004423 L0906799no S1110616 Y UKHO
Medical Subject Headings A0052288 AT53896337 The hearing and equilibrium system of the body. It consists of three parts: the EXTERNAL EAR, the MIDDLE EAR, and the INNER EAR. Sound waves are transmitted through this organ where vibration is transduced to nerve signals that pass through the ACOUSTIC NERVE to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. The inner ear also contains the vestibular organ that maintains equilibrium by transducing signals to the VESTIBULAR NERVE.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0478222 AT51220349 organ of hearing and of equilibrium, consisting of the external ear, the middle ear, and the internal ear.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13048678 AT156611128 Sluchový a rovnováhu udržující tělesný systém. Skládá se ze 3 částí: VNĚJŠÍHO, STŘEDNÍHO a VNITŘNÍHO ucha. Zvukové vlny jsou přenášeny uchem tak, že vibrace postupují po ZVUKOVÉM NERVU jako nervové signály do CENTRÁLNÍHO NERVOVÉHO SYSTÉMU. Vnitřní ucho obsahuje také vestibulární aparát zajišťující rovnováhu těla nasměrováním signálu k VESTIBULÁRNÍMU NERVU.
(FMA) Foundational Model of Anatomy A15407651 AT218910127 Subdivision of auriculotemporal part of head which has external, middle and intenal regional parts. Examples: There are only two ears.
MSHNOR A20191970 AT211615488 Høre- og balanseorganet i kroppen. Det består av tre deler: DET YTRE ØRET, MELLOMØRE og DET INDRE ØRET. Lydbølger bli sendt gjennom øret hvor vibrasjon blir omdannet til nervesignaler som passerer gjennom hørenerven (NERVUS COCHLARIS) til SENTRALNERVESYSTEMET. Det indre øret inneholder også vestibulærapparatet (balanseorganet) som opprettholder likevekten ved overføring av signaler til NERVUS VESTIBULARIS.
NCI Thesaurus A7570187 AT198064553 A sense organ needed for the detection of sound and for establishing balance. The outer ear consists of the auricle, the ear canal as well as the tympanic membrane. The middle ear is made up of an air-filled cavity behind the tympanic membrane that contains the ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes). The inner ear is made up of the cochlea needed for hearing and the vestibular apparatus required for balance.
NCI Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium A7570187 AT224190300 A sensory organ that contains auditory and vestibular apparatuses.