C0013770 - A joint involving the humerus, radius and ulna bones. 1/10
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CUI    C0013770
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004551 L3355887preferred S3883371 Y ЛОКТЕВОЙ СУСТАВ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004551 L0898467no S1102284 Y LOKTEVOI SUSTAV
Medical Subject Headings A0053221 AT38154499 A hinge joint connecting the FOREARM to the ARM.
MSHNOR A20201464 AT221393057 Et sammensatt ledd (hengsel- og kuleledd) mellom underarmen og overarmen.
NCI Thesaurus A7570231 AT198029747 A type of hinge joint located between the forearm and upper arm.
NCI Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium A7570231 AT198066502 A joint involving the humerus, radius and ulna bones.