C0013995 - Programs or services provided by the employer to help employees with personal or other matters, including retirement planning or alcohol rehabilitation. 2/10
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CUI    C0013995
HL7V3.0 A19720539 AT144247085

Definition:An employee assistance program is run by an employer or employee organization for the purpose of providing benefits and covering all or part of the cost for employees to receive counseling, referrals, and advice in dealing with stressful issues in their lives. These may include substance abuse, bereavement, marital problems, weight issues, or general wellness issues. The services are usually provided by a third-party, rather than the company itself, and the company receives only summary statistical data from the service provider. Employee's names and services received are kept confidential.

(PSY) Psychological Index Terms A7563925 AT46116134 Programs or services provided by the employer to help employees with personal or other matters, including retirement planning or alcohol rehabilitation.