C0014804 - A rare disorder characterized by periodic inflammation and blockage of the vessels of the extremities, resulting in skin redness, swelling, and burning pain in the affected sites. It may manifest as a primary disorder caused by mutations of the SCN9A gene or as a secondary disorder due to hematologic disorders or medication side effects. 2/10
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CUI    C0014804
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004916 L3378273preferred S3905766 Y ЭРИТРОМЕЛАЛЬГИЯ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004916 L0893151no S1096968 Y ERITROMELAL'GIIA
RussianMDRRUS 10015247 L15731768no S19095503 Y Эритралгия
RussianMDRRUS 10077100 L15733545no S19021074 Y Болезнь Митчелла
RussianMDRRUS 10015284 L15742801no S19095524 N Эритромелалгия
RussianMDRRUS 10015284 L15742801no S19095524 Y Эритромелалгия
Medical Subject Headings A0055918 AT73518993 A peripheral arterial disease that is characterized by the triad of ERYTHEMA, burning PAIN, and increased SKIN TEMPERATURE of the extremities (or red, painful extremities). Erythromelalgia may be classified as primary or idiopathic, familial or non-familial. Secondary erythromelalgia is associated with other diseases, the most common being MYELOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS.
MSHNOR A21182165 AT221466339 En perifer arteriesykdom som karakteriseres av triaden erytem, brennende smerte og økt hudtemperatur i ekstremitetene. Erytromelalgi kan klassifiseres som idiopatisk, familiær eller ikke-familiær. Sekundær erytromelalgi kan ses knyttet til andre sykdommer hvorav de vanligste er myeloproliferative sykdommer.
NCI Thesaurus A7570400 AT198066660 A rare disorder characterized by periodic inflammation and blockage of the vessels of the extremities, resulting in skin redness, swelling, and burning pain in the affected sites. It may manifest as a primary disorder caused by mutations of the SCN9A gene or as a secondary disorder due to hematologic disorders or medication side effects.