C0014824 - Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology. 1/10
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CUI    C0014824
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004923 L3378264preferred S3905757 Y ЭРИТРОЗИН
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004923 L0893174no S1096991 Y ERITROZIN
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004923 L1545305no S1841214 Y TETRAIODOFLIUORESTSEIN
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D004923 L3371746no S3899239 Y ТЕТРАИОДОФЛЮОРЕСЦЕИН
Medical Subject Headings A0055975 AT38148607 A tetraiodofluorescein used as a red coloring in some foods (cherries, fish), as a disclosure of DENTAL PLAQUE, and as a stain of some cell types. It has structural similarity to THYROXINE.
(SPN) Standard Product Nomenclature A0924739 AT20134961 Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology.