C0016452 - <p>Naturally occurring, processed or manufactured entities that are primarily used as food for humans and animals.</p> 2/10
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CUI    C0016452
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005502 L3363580preferred S3891063 Y ПИЩЕВЫЕ ПРОДУКТЫ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005502 L0901843no S1105660 Y PISHCHEVYE PRODUKTY
Medical Subject Headings A0060318 AT226457998 Substances taken in by the body to provide nourishment.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0479432 AT51224863 anything which, when taken into the body, serves to nourish or build up the tissues or to supply body heat.
NCI Cancer Research Center of Hawaii Nutrition Terminology A12798442 AT198045453 A group of substances which are consumed by humans and animals.
NCI Thesaurus A12798442 AT198131587 A group of materials of either plant, animal or artificial origin containing essential body nutrients that can be ingested by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life.
(ICF) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health A16037040 AT104916393 Any natural or human-made object or substance gathered, processed or manufactured to be eaten, such as raw, processed and prepared food and liquids of different consistencies, herbs and minerals (vitamin and other supplements).
(ICF-CY) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth A16038872 AT104928054 Any natural or human-made object or substance gathered, processed or manufactured for consumption, such as raw, processed and prepared food and liquids of different consistencies, herbs and minerals (vitamin and other supplements).
HL7V3.0 A19724037 AT144247933

Description:The introduction of material into a subject with the intent of providing nutrition or other dietary supplements (e.g. minerals or vitamins).

MSHNOR A21175641 AT211627320 Alt som kan tene som næringsrik føde for kroppen.
NCI Thesaurus A7646963 AT197991302 Processed or unprocessed substances obtained from animal, plant, microorganism and mining source that provide nutrients for living organisms to maintain biological processes or functions.
NCI Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model A7646963 AT198040940 A substance consumed by humans and animals for nutritional purposes. EXAMPLE(S): broccoli, donuts, pet treats
HL7V3.0 A8317023 AT144249431

Naturally occurring, processed or manufactured entities that are primarily used as food for humans and animals.