C0016542 - An occurrence where any object originating inside or outside the body is not in it's physiological or intended location. For example, a tooth or bone fragment being swallowed; or device's components or fragments being found in the body away from where they were implanted. 1/10
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CUI    C0016542
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005547 L3350510preferred S3877995 Y ИНОРОДНЫЕ ТЕЛА
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005547 L0895775no S1099592 Y INORODNYE TELA
RussianMDRRUS 10070245 L15746677no S19037970 N Инородное тело
RussianMDRRUS 10070245 L15746677no S19037970 Y Инородное тело
Medical Subject Headings A0060534 AT127397056 Inanimate objects that become enclosed in the body.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13037026 AT211621254 Cizí předměty uzavřené v těle.
MEDLINEPLUS A21143428 AT220107355

If you've ever gotten a splinter or had sand in your eye, you've had experience with a foreign body. A foreign body is something that is stuck inside you but isn't supposed to be there. You may inhale or swallow a foreign body, or you may get one from an injury to almost any part of your body. Foreign bodies are more common in small children, who sometimes stick things in their mouths, ears, and noses.

Some foreign bodies, like a small splinter, do not cause serious harm. Inhaled or swallowed foreign bodies may cause choking or bowel obstruction and may require medical care.

MSHNOR A21165885 AT221328640 Kroppsfremmed materiale som er kommet inn i organismen (betegner oftest gjenstander eller fragmenter som kommer inn i organismen ved uhell).
NCI Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium A7576614 AT210372196 An occurrence where any object originating inside or outside the body is not in it's physiological or intended location.
NCI Thesaurus A7576614 AT219995899 Extraneous material within the body.
NCI U.S. Food and Drug Administration A7576614 AT230072337 An occurrence where any object originating inside or outside the body is not in it's physiological or intended location. For example, a tooth or bone fragment being swallowed; or device's components or fragments being found in the body away from where they were implanted.