C0016976 - A sac-like organ located adjacent to the liver that stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver. 1/10
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CUI    C0016976
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005704 L3348990preferred S3876473 Y ЖЕЛЧНЫЙ ПУЗЫРЬ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005704 L0907680no S1111497 Y ZHELCHNYI PUZYR'
Medical Subject Headings A0061720 AT38147985 A storage reservoir for BILE secretion. Gallbladder allows the delivery of bile acids at a high concentration and in a controlled manner, via the CYSTIC DUCT to the DUODENUM, for degradation of dietary lipid.
(UWDA) Digital Anatomist A0061726 AT18955446 Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the hepatic duct and distally terminates in the fundus of the gallbladder. Examples: There is only one gallbladder.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0479652 AT51220065 storage reservoir for bile secretion; allows the delivery of bile acids at a high concentration and in a controlled manner, via the cystic duct to the duodenum, for degradation of dietary lipid.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13062252 AT204248596 Sběrný prostor pro sekreci ŽLUČE. Žlučník umožňuje řízeným způsobem dodávat žlučové kyseliny ve vysoké koncentraci prostřednictvím vývodu žlučníku (DUCTUS CYSTICUS) do DUODENA za účelem rozkladu jídlem přijatých tuků. žlučník - vakovitý orgán hruškovitého tvaru uložený na spodině jater, sloužící ke skladování a úpravě žluči, která vzniká v játrech. Spolu se žlučovými vývody je ž. součástí žlučových cest. Jeho vývod ductus cysticus ústí do společného žlučovodu ductus choledochus, jímž se žluč dostává do dvanáctníku. Ž. se vyprázdní např. po jídle, zejm. tučném. Není nezbytný k životu ani k trávení potravy. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online 2012, http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/)
(FMA) Foundational Model of Anatomy A15488310 AT233960862 Organ with organ cavity, each instance of which is continuous proximally with some cystic duct and distally terminates at its fundus. Examples: There is only one gallbladder.
MSHNOR A21182252 AT221548979 Lagringsreservoar for galle. Galleblæren tømmer de konsentrerte gallesyrene via galleblæregangen til duodenum (TOLVFINGERTARM), for på en kontrollert måte å redusere fettstoffene fra næringsinntaket.
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A7570693 AT198052307 The pear-shaped organ found below the liver. Bile is concentrated and stored in the gallbladder.
NCI Thesaurus A7570693 AT198076896 A pear-shaped organ located under the liver that stores and concentrates bile secreted by the liver. From the gallbladder the bile is delivered through the bile ducts into the intestine thereby aiding the digestion of fat-containing foods.
NCI Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium A7570693 AT224195303 A sac-like organ located adjacent to the liver that stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver.