C0017562 - The soft tissue surrounding the neck of individual teeth as well as covering the alveolar bone. The tissue is fibrous and continuous with the periodontal ligament and mucosal covering. (NCI) 1/10
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CUI    C0017562
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005881 L3347332preferred S3874810 Y ДЕСНЫ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005881 L0892011no S1095828 Y DESNY
Medical Subject Headings A0063229 AT43116998 Oral tissue surrounding and attached to TEETH.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0479908 AT51220392 that part of the oral mucosa overlying the crowns of unerupted teeth and encircling the necks of those that have erupted, serving as the supporting structure for subadjacent tissues; formed by pale pink tissue immovably attached to the bone and the teeth, which joins the alveolar mucosa at the mucogingival junction.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13041303 AT156611026 Tvoří ji pojivová tkáň a pokrývá zubní (alveolární) výběžek obou čelistí a krčky zubů. Důležitá součást závěsného aparátu zubu. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online 2012, http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
(FMA) Foundational Model of Anatomy A15409386 AT218910044 Region og
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A7570789 AT197955148 The tissue of the upper and lower jaws that surrounds the base of the teeth.
NCI Thesaurus A7570789 AT198066517 The soft tissue surrounding the neck of individual teeth as well as covering the alveolar bone. The tissue is fibrous and continuous with the periodontal ligament and mucosal covering.
NCI Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium A7570789 AT198140466 The soft tissue surrounding the neck of individual teeth as well as covering the alveolar bone. The tissue is fibrous and continuous with the periodontal ligament and mucosal covering. (NCI)