C0017689 - An endocrine tumor of the pancreas that secretes excessive amounts of glucagon. [HPO:probinson] 4/10
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CUI    C0017689
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L3345971preferred S3873454 Y ГЛЮКАГОНОМА
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L0894960no S1098777 Y GLIUKAGONOMA
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L1508045no S1803954 Y AL'FA-KLETOCHNOE NOVOOBRAZOVANIE
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L1533386no S1829295 Y NOVOOBRAZOVANIE IZ AL'FA-KLETOK
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L1534519no S1830428 Y OPUKHOL' IZ AL'FA-KLETOK
RussianMDRRUS 10018404 L15745575no S19029148 N Глюкагонома
RussianMDRRUS 10018404 L15745575no S19029148 Y Глюкагонома
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L3337820no S3865306 Y АЛЬФА-КЛЕТОЧНОЕ НОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L3360328no S3887815 Y НОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ИЗ АЛЬФА-КЛЕТОК
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D005935 L3361491no S3888977 Y ОПУХОЛЬ ИЗ АЛЬФА-КЛЕТОК
Medical Subject Headings A0063696 AT38144040 An almost always malignant GLUCAGON-secreting tumor derived from the PANCREATIC ALPHA CELLS. It is characterized by a distinctive migratory ERYTHEMA; WEIGHT LOSS; STOMATITIS; GLOSSITIS; DIABETES MELLITUS; hypoaminoacidemia; and normochromic normocytic ANEMIA.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13053815 AT204249635 Vzácný nádor trávicího ústrojí (často pankreatu) produkující glukagon, ev. další peptidy hormonálního charakteru. Způsobuje poruchy regulace glycidového metabolismu, je jednou z vzácných příčin sekundárního diabetu. Glukagonový syndrom - soubor příznaků vznikajících při g. - patří k němu mírný diabetes mellitus, kožní příznaky (erythema necrolyticum migrans) a některé další projevy (průjmy, slizniční projevy apod.). (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A19046644 AT198037724 A rare pancreatic tumor that produces a hormone called glucagon. Glucagonomas can produce symptoms similar to diabetes.
NCI Thesaurus A19046644 AT198062144 A usually malignant, glucagon-producing neuroendocrine tumor arising from the pancreatic alpha cells. It may be associated with necrolytic erythema migrans, diarrhea, diabetes, glossitis, weight loss, malabsorption, and anemia. Almost 25% of patients experience thromboembolic complications, and 50% have liver metastases at the time of diagnosis.
NCI Thesaurus A20235183 AT197992442 A usually malignant, glucagon-producing neuroendocrine tumor arising from the pancreatic alpha cells. It may or may not be associated with inappropriate secretion of glucagon and an associated clinical syndrome.
MSHNOR A21175695 AT221567845 En som regel ondartet glukagonutskillende svulst som utvikles fra bukspyttkjertelens alfaceller. Et typisk symptom er et distinkt, migrerende rødt utslett (erythema migrans), vekttap, betennelse i munnslimhinnen (stomatitt), betennelse i tungen (glossitt), diabetes mellitus, aminosyremangel (hypoaminoacidemi) og normokrom, normocyttisk anemi.
HPO A26512824 AT211530306 An endocrine tumor of the pancreas that secretes excessive amounts of glucagon. [HPO:probinson]