C0019030 - An abnormal hemoglobin assay is a device consisting of the reagents, apparatus, instrumentation, and controls necessary to isolate and identify abnormal genetically determined hemoglobin types. 1/10
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CUI    C0019030
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006449 L3344073preferred S3871550 Y ГЕМОГЛОБИН M
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006449 L0894176no S1097993 Y GEMOGLOBIN M
Medical Subject Headings A0067077 AT38144132 A group of abnormal hemoglobins in which amino acid substitutions take place in either the alpha or beta chains but near the heme iron. This results in facilitated oxidation of the hemoglobin to yield excess methemoglobin which leads to cyanosis.
(SPN) Standard Product Nomenclature A0954133 AT20136505 An abnormal hemoglobin assay is a device consisting of the reagents, apparatus, instrumentation, and controls necessary to isolate and identify abnormal genetically determined hemoglobin types.