C0019134 - A substance that slows the formation of blood clots. Heparin is made by the liver, lungs, and other tissues in the body and can also made in the laboratory. Heparin may be injected into muscle or blood to prevent or break up blood clots. It is a type of anticoagulant. 1/10
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CUI    C0019134
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006493 L3344571preferred S3872050 Y ГЕПАРИН
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006493 L0894399no S1098216 Y GEPARIN
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006493 L1508038no S1803947 Y AL'FA-GEPARIN
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006493 L1521322no S1817231 Y GEPARINOVAIA KISLOTA
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006493 L3337810no S3865292 Y АЛЬФА-ГЕПАРИН
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006493 L3344583no S3872057 Y ГЕПАРИНОВАЯ КИСЛОТА
Medical Subject Headings A0067387 AT38138347 A highly acidic mucopolysaccharide formed of equal parts of sulfated D-glucosamine and D-glucuronic acid with sulfaminic bridges. The molecular weight ranges from six to twenty thousand. Heparin occurs in and is obtained from liver, lung, mast cells, etc., of vertebrates. Its function is unknown, but it is used to prevent blood clotting in vivo and vitro, in the form of many different salts.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0480761 AT51220322 poly(glucosamine sulfate-glucuronic acid); endogenous mucopolysaccharide with antithrombin and lipotropic activities; USP injection is used as an anticoagulant.
(SPN) Standard Product Nomenclature A0711327 AT20134748 Enzyme preparations are products that are used in the histopathology laboratory for the following purposes: (1) To disaggregate tissues and cells already in established cultures for preparation into subsequent cultures (e.g., trypsin); (2) To disaggregate fluid specimens for cytological examination (e.g., papain for gastric lavage or trypsin for sputum liquefaction); (3) To aid in the selective staining of tissue specimens (e.g., diastase for glycogen determination).
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13062347 AT231378529 Látka, která snižuje srážení krve (antikoagulační účinek) aktivací antitrombinu. Vzniká např. v játrech a v některých bílých krvinkách. Podává se v lékové formě při léčbě trombózy či k její profylaxi (tzv. heparinizace), často ve formě tzv. nízkomolekulárních heparinů (např. dalteparin, nadroparin, enoxaparin, parnaparin), které působí zejm. na faktor X, a neovlivňují tak celkovou hemokoagulaci, a proto mají nižší riziko vzniku nežádoucího krvácení. Kromě krvácení patří k vzácnějším nežádoucím účinkům vznik trombocytopenie, po dlouhodobějším podávání se zvyšuje riziko osteoporózy. Efektivnost léčby se monitoruje zejm. aPTT koagulačním testem. Antidotem při předávkování je protaminsulfát. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2017 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz)
NCI Thesaurus A7571021 AT197957783 A sulfur-rich glycosaminoglycan with anticoagulant property. Heparin binds to antithrombin III to form a heparin-antithrombin III complex. The complex binds to and irreversibly inactivates thrombin and other activated clotting factors, such as factors IX, X, XI, and XII, thereby preventing the polymerization of fibrinogen to fibrin and the subsequent formation of clots.
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A7571021 AT198056929 A substance that slows the formation of blood clots. Heparin is made by the liver, lungs, and other tissues in the body and can also made in the laboratory. Heparin may be injected into muscle or blood to prevent or break up blood clots. It is a type of anticoagulant.