C0020578 - Hyperventilation refers to an increased pulmonary ventilation rate that is faster than necessary for the exchange of gases. Hyperventilation can result from increased frequency of breathing, an increased tidal volume, or both, and leads to an excess intake of oxygen and the blowing off of carbon dioxide. [HPO:probinson] 1/10
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CUI    C0020578
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006985 L3345161preferred S3872640 Y ГИПЕРВЕНТИЛЯЦИЯ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D006985 L0894709no S1098526 Y GIPERVENTILIATSIIA
RussianMDRRUS 10020910 L15778497no S19027564 N Гипервентиляция
RussianMDRRUS 10020910 L15778497no S19027564 Y Гипервентиляция
Medical Subject Headings A0071100 AT38133812 A pulmonary ventilation rate faster than is metabolically necessary for the exchange of gases. It is the result of an increased frequency of breathing, an increased tidal volume, or a combination of both. It causes an excess intake of oxygen and the blowing off of carbon dioxide.
NCI Thesaurus A10761153 AT197969061 Abnormally prolonged, rapid, and deep breathing.
NCI U.S. Food and Drug Administration A10761153 AT198129773 Abnormally prolonged, rapid, and deep breathing.
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A10761153 AT210368033 An increase in ventilation manifested by hypocapnea and respiratory alkalosis.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13062423 AT221406100 Druh dýchání, který je výrazně hlubší nebo rychlejší oproti normálnímu dýchání. Jejím důsledkem je rozsáhlé vypuzení oxidu uhličitého z krve a snížení jeho arteriální koncentrace (PaCO2) pod normální hranici (35-45 mmHg), zvýšení krevního pH a vznik respirační alkalózy. (cit. Wikipedie 2016 http://www.cs.wikipedia.org/)
MSHNOR A20204154 AT221393144 Raskere (og ofte unødvendig dypere) pusting enn det som er metabolsk nødvendig for gassutvekslingen. Hyperventilering er et resultat av økt respirasjonsfrekvens, økt tidevolum (luftstrømsvolum) eller en kombinasjon av begge. Det gjør at man trekker inn mer oksygen i lungene enn det man har bruk for, samtidig som man kvitter seg med mer karbondioksid enn normalt.
HPO A24673277 AT206293967 Hyperventilation refers to an increased pulmonary ventilation rate that is faster than necessary for the exchange of gases. Hyperventilation can result from increased frequency of breathing, an increased tidal volume, or both, and leads to an excess intake of oxygen and the blowing off of carbon dioxide. [HPO:probinson]