C0023901 - <p>Your liver helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove poisons. Liver function tests are blood tests that check to see how well your liver is working. They check for liver damage, and can help diagnose liver diseases such as <a href='https://medlineplus.gov/hepatitis.html'>hepatitis</a> and <a href='https://medlineplus.gov/cirrhosis.html'>cirrhosis</a>. You may have liver function tests as part of a regular checkup. Or you may have them if you have symptoms of <a href='https://medlineplus.gov/liverdiseases.html'>liver disease</a>. Doctors also use the tests to monitor some liver diseases, treatments, and possible side effects of medicines.</p> <p>Liver function tests measure certain proteins, enzymes, and substances, including:</p> <ul> <li>Albumin, a protein that the liver makes</li> <li>Total protein (TP)</li> <li>Enzymes that are found in the liver, including alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)</li> <li>Bilirubin, a yellow substance that is part of bile. It is formed when your red blood cells break down. Too much bilirubin in the blood can cause <a href='https://medlineplus.gov/jaundice.html'>jaundice</a>. There is also a <a href='https://medlineplus.gov/urinalysis.html'>urine test</a> for bilirubin.</li> <li>Prothrombin time, which measures how long it takes for your blood to clot. Prothrombin is made by the liver.</li> </ul> 1/10
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CUI    C0023901
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D008111 L3363184preferred S3890667 Y ПЕЧЕНИ ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ТЕСТЫ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D008111 L0901418no S1105235 Y PECHENI FUNKTSIONAL'NYE TESTY
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D008111 L1535723no S1831632 Y PECHENI FUNKTSIONAL'NYE PROBY
RussianMDRRUS 10024695 L15775425no S19091594 Y Функциональные пробы печени БДУ
RussianMDRRUS 10024689 L15777187no S19017435 Y Анализы функции печени
RussianMDRRUS 10024408 L15786448no S19091595 N Функциональные пробы печени
RussianMDRRUS 10024691 L15786448no S19091595 Y Функциональные пробы печени
RussianMDRRUS 10060105 L16135728no S19410016 N Функциональная проба печени (ФПП)
RussianMDRRUS 10060105 L16135728no S19410016 Y Функциональная проба печени (ФПП)
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D008111 L3363183no S3890666 Y ПЕЧЕНИ ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЫ
Medical Subject Headings A0080709 AT208114716 Blood tests that are used to evaluate how well a patient's liver is working and also to help diagnose liver conditions.
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A16764689 AT198059282 A blood test to measure the blood levels of certain substances released by the liver. A high or low level of certain substances can be a sign of liver disease.
NCI Thesaurus A16764689 AT198145561 The quantitative measurement of liver enzymes in the blood, which is useful in assessing the functional state of a patient's liver. Liver function tests include the measurement of albumin, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, and gamma glutamyl transferase.
NCI Thesaurus A17697799 AT197986603 The examination of the function of the liver using biochemical tests, radiologic procedures, or liver tissue samples.
MSHNOR A21189142 AT221466461 Blodprøver som brukes til å vurdere hvor godt en pasients lever fungerer, og til diagnostisering av leverproblemer.
MEDLINEPLUS A27392721 AT220102500

Your liver helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove poisons. Liver function tests are blood tests that check to see how well your liver is working. They check for liver damage, and can help diagnose liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. You may have liver function tests as part of a regular checkup. Or you may have them if you have symptoms of liver disease. Doctors also use the tests to monitor some liver diseases, treatments, and possible side effects of medicines.

Liver function tests measure certain proteins, enzymes, and substances, including:

  • Albumin, a protein that the liver makes
  • Total protein (TP)
  • Enzymes that are found in the liver, including alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)
  • Bilirubin, a yellow substance that is part of bile. It is formed when your red blood cells break down. Too much bilirubin in the blood can cause jaundice. There is also a urine test for bilirubin.
  • Prothrombin time, which measures how long it takes for your blood to clot. Prothrombin is made by the liver.