C0027806 - The neurenteric cyst is a rare lesion composed of heterotopic endodermal tissue. During the third week of human embryogenesis, the neurenteric canal unites the yolk sac and the amniotic cavity as it traverses the primitive notochordal plate. Persistence of the normally transient neurenteric canal prevents appropriate separation of endoderm and notochord. This results in a variable degree of communication between neural and enteric epithelium. [PMID:20890417, UToronto:chum] 2/10
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CUI    C0027806
HPO A27333112 AT218142124 The neurenteric cyst is a rare lesion composed of heterotopic endodermal tissue. During the third week of human embryogenesis, the neurenteric canal unites the yolk sac and the amniotic cavity as it traverses the primitive notochordal plate. Persistence of the normally transient neurenteric canal prevents appropriate separation of endoderm and notochord. This results in a variable degree of communication between neural and enteric epithelium. [PMID:20890417, UToronto:chum]