C0032001 - A rare, potentially life-threatening disorder caused by acute ischemic infarction or hemorrhage in the pituitary gland. It is most often associated with the presence of a pituitary gland adenoma. Signs and symptoms include headache, vomiting, visual disturbances, and endocrine dysfunction. 1/10
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CUI    C0032001
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D010899 L3345421preferred S3872900 Y ГИПОФИЗА АПОПЛЕКСИЯ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D010899 L0894720no S1098537 Y GIPOFIZA APOPLEKSIIA
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D010899 L1509119no S1805028 Y APOPLEKSIIA GIPOFIZA
RussianMDRRUS 10056447 L15711106no S19018693 N Апоплексия гипофиза
RussianMDRRUS 10056447 L15711106no S19018693 Y Апоплексия гипофиза
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D010899 L3339249no S3866730 Y АПОПЛЕКСИЯ ГИПОФИЗА
Medical Subject Headings A0101823 AT53895544 The sudden loss of blood supply to the PITUITARY GLAND, leading to tissue NECROSIS and loss of function (PANHYPOPITUITARISM). The most common cause is hemorrhage or INFARCTION of a PITUITARY ADENOMA. It can also result from acute hemorrhage into SELLA TURCICA due to HEAD TRAUMA; INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION; or other acute effects of central nervous system hemorrhage. Clinical signs include severe HEADACHE; HYPOTENSION; bilateral visual disturbances; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; and COMA.
NCI Thesaurus A10814172 AT198053728 A rare, potentially life-threatening disorder caused by acute ischemic infarction or hemorrhage in the pituitary gland. It is most often associated with the presence of a pituitary gland adenoma. Signs and symptoms include headache, vomiting, visual disturbances, and endocrine dysfunction.