C0035450 - A well circumscribed lump of tissue, firm to touch, typically non-tender, predominantly occurring as a cutaneous manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis localized to extensor surfaces near joints, but may be internal. 2/10
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CUI    C0035450
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D012218 L3366791preferred S3894281 Y РЕВМАТОИДНЫЙ УЗЕЛОК
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D012218 L0903663no S1107480 Y REVMATOIDNYI UZELOK
RussianMDRRUS 10048694 L15773449no S19075963 N Ревматоидный узелок
RussianMDRRUS 10048694 L15773449no S19075963 Y Ревматоидный узелок
Medical Subject Headings A0112046 AT38142710 Subcutaneous nodules seen in 20-30% of rheumatoid arthritis patients. They may arise anywhere on the body, but are most frequently found over the bony prominences. The nodules are characterized histologically by dense areas of fibrinoid necrosis with basophilic streaks and granules, surrounded by a palisade of cells, mainly fibroblasts and histiocytes.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13067451 AT231370433 Revmatoidní uzly se vyskytují přibližně u 1/4 pacientů s revmatoidní artritidou, jsou pevné, nebolestivé a obvykle se nacházejí v podkoží, nejčastěji na extenzorových plochách a místech vystavených tlaku (předloktí). Někdy se ve větším počtu objevují nad drobnými klouby rukou, vzácně také na viscerálních orgánech (např. plíce nebo srdce). Na vzniku revmatoidních uzlů se pravděpodobně podílí fokální vaskulitida malých cév. (cit. Medicabáze.cz, 2017 http://www.medicabaze.cz)
NCI Thesaurus A24376964 AT205726635 A well circumscribed lump of tissue, firm to touch, typically non-tender, predominantly occurring as a cutaneous manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis localized to extensor surfaces near joints, but may be internal.
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A24376964 AT210377434 A well circumscribed lump of tissue, firm to touch, typically non-tender, predominantly occurring as a cutaneous manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis localized to extensor surfaces near joints, but may be internal.