C0036043 - The absence of signs and symptoms of physical injury unrelated to the intended therapeutic effects of an operative or other invasive procedure. 2/10
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CUI    C0036043
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D012449 L3340449preferred S3867930 Y БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D012449 L0891158no S1094975 Y BEZOPASNOST'
Medical Subject Headings A0113585 AT38135246 Freedom from exposure to danger and protection from the occurrence or risk of injury or loss. It suggests optimal precautions in the workplace, on the street, in the home, etc., and includes personal safety as well as the safety of property.
NCI Thesaurus A12812341 AT198118929 The state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions.
NCI_CDISC-GLOSS A12812341 AT234300413 Relative freedom from harm. In clinical trials, this refers to an absence of harmful side effects resulting from use of the product and may be assessed by laboratory testing of biological samples, special tests and procedures, psychiatric evaluation, and/or physical examination of subjects.
(OMS) Omaha System A12925497 AT115487357 Freedom from risk, the occurrence of injury, or loss.
MSHNOR A20195203 AT211611759 Frihet fra utsatthet for fare og beskyttelse fra risiko for skade eller tap. Begrepet omfatter optimale foranstaltninger på arbeidsplassen, på gaten og i hjemmene og inkluderer sikkerhet for personer så vel som sikkerhet for eiendom.
MEDLINEPLUS A21143983 AT220103375

You can't remove all the safety hazards from your life, but you can reduce them. To avoid many major hazards and prepare for emergencies

  • Keep emergency phone numbers by your telephones
  • Make a first aid kit for your home
  • Make a family emergency plan
  • Install and maintain smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Keep guns unloaded and locked up. Lock up the ammunition separately.
  • Follow the directions carefully when using tools or equipment

Young children are especially at risk. Supervision is the best way to keep them safe. Childproofing the house can also help.

(NOC) Nursing Outcomes Classification A29589294 AT236302155 Outcomes that describe an individual's behaviors or status that promotes protection from harm
PNDS A8311251 AT130970444 The absence of signs and symptoms of physical injury unrelated to the intended therapeutic effects of an operative or other invasive procedure.