C0087111 - Conceptually broad term referring to psychological or physical measures designed to ameliorate or cure an abnormal or undesirable condition. Use a more specific term if possible. 1/10
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CUI    C0087111
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013812 L3371607preferred S3899100 Y ТЕРАПЕВТИЧЕСКИЕ МЕТОДЫ И СРЕДСТВА
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013812 L0905707no S1109524 Y TERAPEVTICHESKIE METODY I SREDSTVA
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013812 L1527838no S1823747 Y LECHEBNYE METODY
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013812 L1545204no S1841113 Y TERAPIIA (METOD)
RussianMDRRUS 10052705 L15719387no S19084989 Y Терапевтическая процедура, БДУ
RussianMDRRUS 10053757 L15785628no S19084990 N Терапевтическая процедура
RussianMDRRUS 10053757 L15785628no S19084990 Y Терапевтическая процедура
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013812 L3355195no S3882679 Y ЛЕЧЕБНЫЕ МЕТОДЫ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013812 L3371613no S3899112 Y ТЕРАПИЯ (МЕТОД)
Medical Subject Headings A0125002 AT53895329 Procedures concerned with the remedial treatment or prevention of diseases.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0135304 AT51219021 broad term with many narrower terms that can apply more specifically to most projects; it should be used ONLY when specific narrower therapy terms do not apply, e.g., if a project is dealing with drugs in therapy, do not index drugs and therapy, index instead the particular drugs plus chemotherapy or the specific type of chemotherapy.
(AOT) Authorized Osteopathic Thesaurus A10759085 AT63257829 see:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html
NCI Thesaurus A10788644 AT197956494 An action or administration of therapeutic agents to produce an effect that is intended to alter or stop a pathologic process.
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A10788644 AT198129511 Treatment.
NCI_CDISC-GLOSS A10788644 AT234290828 See intervention.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13067673 AT145633818 Postupy vedoucí ke zhojení, vyléčení nebo prevenci nemocí.
CHV A18594335 AT130671495 a scientific field of healing
HL7V3.0 A27392508 AT220101647

Observations generated by non-interventional treatment protocols (e.g. occupational, physical, radiation, nutritional and medication therapy)

(PSY) Psychological Index Terms A7561512 AT46115868 Conceptually broad term referring to psychological or physical measures designed to ameliorate or cure an abnormal or undesirable condition. Use a more specific term if possible.