C0150093 - A group or series of case reports involving patients who were given similar treatment. Reports of case series usually contain detailed information about the individual patients. This includes demographic information (for example, age, gender, ethnic origin) and information on diagnosis, treatment, response to treatment, and follow-up after treatment. 1/10
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CUI    C0150093
(MCM) Glossary of Clinical Epidemiologic Terms A0246073 AT14633457 A series of patients with a defined disorder. Usually, the term is used to describe a study reporting on a consecutive collection of patients treated in a similar manner, without a concurrent control group. For example, a surgeon might describe the characteristics of and outcomes for 100 consecutive patients with cerebral ischemia who received a revascularization procedure. See also CONSECUTIVE SAMPLE.
NCI NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms A7639665 AT198101878 A group or series of case reports involving patients who were given similar treatment. Reports of case series usually contain detailed information about the individual patients. This includes demographic information (for example, age, gender, ethnic origin) and information on diagnosis, treatment, response to treatment, and follow-up after treatment.