C0150103 - A method by which subjects are selected so that two subjects with similar characteristics (for example, weight, smoking habits) are assigned to a set, but one receives Treatment a and the other receives Treatment B. See also matched-pair design. 1/10
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CUI    C0150103
(MCM) Glossary of Clinical Epidemiologic Terms A0246084 AT14633467 The deliberate process of making a study group and a comparison group comparable with respect to factors that are extraneous to the purpose of the investigation but which might interfere with the interpretation of the study's findings. For example, in case-control studies, individual cases might be matched or paired with a specific control on the basis of comparable age, gender, and/or clinical features.
NCI Thesaurus A29153162 AT234286140 A subject selection method whereby subjects with similar characteristics are assigned as a pair, with the intention that each will receive different treatment within the course of the clinical trial.
NCI_CDISC-GLOSS A29153162 AT234291830 A method by which subjects are selected so that two subjects with similar characteristics (for example, weight, smoking habits) are assigned to a set, but one receives Treatment a and the other receives Treatment B. See also matched-pair design.