C0179261 - Boards designed to be used on a bed in such a way (on top of or under the mattress) as to increase the firmness of the patient-supporting surface. These boards are typically constructed to match the dimensions of bed and are made of wood or other stiff (e.g., hard plastic) material. Bed boards are used to provide an appropriate rest surface for patients with orthopedic (e.g., spinal) traumas or disorders. 1/10
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CUI    C0179261
(SPN) Standard Product Nomenclature A0874241 AT20135030 A bed board is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of a stiff board used to increase the firmness of a bed.
UMD A10988764 AT102975222 Boards designed to be used on a bed in such a way (on top of or under the mattress) as to increase the firmness of the patient-supporting surface. These boards are typically constructed to match the dimensions of bed and are made of wood or other stiff (e.g., hard plastic) material. Bed boards are used to provide an appropriate rest surface for patients with orthopedic (e.g., spinal) traumas or disorders.