C0330220 - A plant genus of the family ARISTOLOCHIACEAE. Species of this genus have been used in traditional medicine but they contain aristolochic acid which is associated with nephropathy. These are sometimes called 'snakeroot' but that name is also used with a number of other plants such as POLYGALA; SANICULA; ASARUM; ARISTOLOCHIA; AGERATINA; and others. 1/10
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CUI    C0330220
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D030022 L3352147preferred S3879631 Y КИРКАЗОН
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D030022 L2227486no S2565708 Y KIRKAZON
Medical Subject Headings A2027740 AT38144479 A plant genus of the family ARISTOLOCHIACEAE. Species of this genus have been used in traditional medicine but they contain aristolochic acid which is associated with nephropathy. These are sometimes called 'snakeroot' but that name is also used with a number of other plants such as POLYGALA; SANICULA; ASARUM; ARISTOLOCHIA; AGERATINA; and others.