C1268938 - Provides comparable levels of care regardless of the setting (e.g., patient, outpatient, ambulatory), diagnosis, disease process, procedure, or projected outcome in which care is given and without bias such as, but not limited to: disability, religion, economic background, education, sexual preference, race, age, and gender. Adheres to AORN, The Joint Commission, and other standards of care and provides for spiritual comfort, arranges for substitute nursing care when personal values conflict with required care, and respects patient's decision for surgery. 1/10
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CUI    C1268938
PNDS A29365886 AT235164706 Provides comparable levels of care regardless of the setting (e.g., patient, outpatient, ambulatory), diagnosis, disease process, procedure, or projected outcome in which care is given and without bias such as, but not limited to: disability, religion, economic background, education, sexual preference, race, age, and gender. Adheres to AORN, The Joint Commission, and other standards of care and provides for spiritual comfort, arranges for substitute nursing care when personal values conflict with required care, and respects patient's decision for surgery.