C2936403 - Conditions affecting individuals with 46,XX karyotype characterized by atypical development of one or more of the following: the gonads, the internal reproductive structures, the external reproductive/genital structures. 3/10
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CUI    C2936403
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D058489 L9624059preferred S12085566 Y 46, XX НАРУШЕНИЯ ПОЛОВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D058489 L9622084no S12085563 Y 46, XX NARUSHENIIA POLOVOGO RAZVITIIA
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D058489 L9623096no S12085561 Y 46, XX DSD
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D058489 L9623247no S12086939 Y ZHENSKII PSEVDOGERMAFRODITIZM
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D058489 L9624587no S12087258 Y ЖЕНСКИЙ ПСЕВДОГЕРМАФРОДИТИЗМ
Medical Subject Headings A18451385 AT127396920 Congenital conditions in individuals with a female karyotype, in which the development of the gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A18955206 AT231366829 Vrozené abnormality u žen týkající se pohlavních žláz a pohlavního ústrojí.
NCI Thesaurus A27370268 AT219996097 Conditions affecting individuals with 46,XX karyotype characterized by atypical development of one or more of the following: the gonads, the internal reproductive structures, the external reproductive/genital structures.
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A27370268 AT224192184 Conditions affecting individuals with 46,XX karyotype characterized by atypical development of one or more of the following: the gonads, the internal reproductive structures, the external reproductive/genital structures.
Medical Subject Headings A18451385 AT127396920 Congenital conditions in individuals with a female karyotype, in which the development of the gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A18955206 AT231366829 Vrozené abnormality u žen týkající se pohlavních žláz a pohlavního ústrojí.
NCI Thesaurus A27370268 AT219996097 Conditions affecting individuals with 46,XX karyotype characterized by atypical development of one or more of the following: the gonads, the internal reproductive structures, the external reproductive/genital structures.
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A27370268 AT224192184 Conditions affecting individuals with 46,XX karyotype characterized by atypical development of one or more of the following: the gonads, the internal reproductive structures, the external reproductive/genital structures.