C2945825 - Acid-base levels is the balance between acidity and alkalinity of the patient's blood and is determined using a pH scale. The patient's body uses different mechanisms (i.e., release of carbon dioxide via the lungs, excretion of fluid and electrolytes via the kidneys) to control it's acid-base balance. 1/10
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CUI    C2945825
PNDS A29366022 AT235164880 Acid-base levels is the balance between acidity and alkalinity of the patient's blood and is determined using a pH scale. The patient's body uses different mechanisms (i.e., release of carbon dioxide via the lungs, excretion of fluid and electrolytes via the kidneys) to control it's acid-base balance.
PNDS A29366022 AT235164880 Acid-base levels is the balance between acidity and alkalinity of the patient's blood and is determined using a pH scale. The patient's body uses different mechanisms (i.e., release of carbon dioxide via the lungs, excretion of fluid and electrolytes via the kidneys) to control it's acid-base balance.