C2945827 - The cardiovascular system is composed of three systems that work together: the heart (cardiovascular), lungs (pulmonary), and arteries, veins, and capillaries (systemic circuit). They are the network of organs and vessels that is responsible for: transport of blood, nutrients, oxygen and gases, and hormones to and from cells; maintaining homeostasis by excreting metabolic waste and regulating body temperature; and to protect the body from infection and blood loss. 1/10
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CUI    C2945827
PNDS A29366021 AT235164486 The cardiovascular system is composed of three systems that work together: the heart (cardiovascular), lungs (pulmonary), and arteries, veins, and capillaries (systemic circuit). They are the network of organs and vessels that is responsible for: transport of blood, nutrients, oxygen and gases, and hormones to and from cells; maintaining homeostasis by excreting metabolic waste and regulating body temperature; and to protect the body from infection and blood loss.
PNDS A29366021 AT235164486 The cardiovascular system is composed of three systems that work together: the heart (cardiovascular), lungs (pulmonary), and arteries, veins, and capillaries (systemic circuit). They are the network of organs and vessels that is responsible for: transport of blood, nutrients, oxygen and gases, and hormones to and from cells; maintaining homeostasis by excreting metabolic waste and regulating body temperature; and to protect the body from infection and blood loss.