C2945836 - The patient or designated support person receives accurate and timely information to support informed decision making. The patient or designated support person participates in decisions affecting the perioperative plan of care after receiving health information that is provided in an atmosphere of caring, respect, openness, and honesty. 1/10
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CUI    C2945836
PNDS A29365946 AT235164892 The patient or designated support person receives accurate and timely information to support informed decision making. The patient or designated support person participates in decisions affecting the perioperative plan of care after receiving health information that is provided in an atmosphere of caring, respect, openness, and honesty.
PNDS A29365946 AT235164892 The patient or designated support person receives accurate and timely information to support informed decision making. The patient or designated support person participates in decisions affecting the perioperative plan of care after receiving health information that is provided in an atmosphere of caring, respect, openness, and honesty.