C0004385 - An axon that projects from a nerve cell body within the central nervous system and innervates a cell within an autonomic ganglia. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers use acetylcholine as transmitters, sometimes with peptide cotransmitters. 3/10
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CUI    C0004385
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001339 L3360021preferred S3887500 Y НЕРВНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ВЕГЕТАТИВНОЙ ВОЛОКНА ПРЕГАНГЛИОНАРНЫЕ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001339 L0900263no S1104080 Y NERVNOI SISTEMY VEGETATIVNOI VOLOKNA PREGANGLIONARNYE
Medical Subject Headings A0028095 AT199394652 NERVE FIBERS which project from the central nervous system to AUTONOMIC GANGLIA. In the sympathetic division most preganglionic fibers originate with neurons in the intermediolateral column of the SPINAL CORD, exit via ventral roots from upper thoracic through lower lumbar segments, and project to the paravertebral ganglia; there they either terminate in SYNAPSES or continue through the SPLANCHNIC NERVES to the prevertebral ganglia. In the parasympathetic division the fibers originate in neurons of the BRAIN STEM and sacral spinal cord. In both divisions the principal transmitter is ACETYLCHOLINE but peptide cotransmitters may also be released.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0319800 AT51223921 nerve fibers which project from the central nervous system to autonomic ganglia.
NCI Thesaurus A7573152 AT224197002 An axon that projects from a nerve cell body within the central nervous system and innervates a cell within an autonomic ganglia. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers use acetylcholine as transmitters, sometimes with peptide cotransmitters.