C0010051 - Enlargement of the diameter (cross-section) of a coronary artery as defined by a focal dilation of a segment at least 1.5 times larger than the reference vessel. [HPO:probinson, PMID:28374180] 1/10
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CUI    C0010051
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D003323 L3353478preferred S3880962 Y КОРОНАРНОЙ АРТЕРИИ АНЕВРИЗМА
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D003323 L0897407no S1101224 Y KORONARNOI ARTERII ANEVRIZMA
RussianMDRRUS 10002348 L15744162no S19017765 Y Аневризма коронарных сосудов
RussianMDRRUS 10011071 L15755245no S19017764 N Аневризма коронарной артерии
RussianMDRRUS 10011071 L15755245no S19017764 Y Аневризма коронарной артерии
Medical Subject Headings A0042895 AT73483279 Abnormal balloon- or sac-like dilatation in the wall of CORONARY VESSELS. Most coronary aneurysms are due to CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS, and the rest are due to inflammatory diseases, such as KAWASAKI DISEASE.
MSHNOR A21175405 AT221438928 Abnorm ballong- eller sekkliknende utvidelse av veggen i koronarkar. De fleste koronaraneurismer skyldes koronar aterosklerose, mens resten skyldes inflammatorisk sykdom, slik som Kawasakis sykdom.
HPO A28254455 AT225123679 Enlargement of the diameter (cross-section) of a coronary artery as defined by a focal dilation of a segment at least 1.5 times larger than the reference vessel. [HPO:probinson, PMID:28374180]