C0039614 - <p>Tetanus is a serious illness caused by Clostridium bacteria. The bacteria live in soil, saliva, dust, and manure. The bacteria can enter the body through a deep cut, like those you might get from stepping on a nail, or through a burn.</p> <p>The infection causes painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over the body. It can lead to "locking" of the jaw. This makes it impossible to open your mouth or swallow. Tetanus is a medical emergency. You need to get treatment in a hospital.</p> <p>A <a href='https://medlineplus.gov/tetanusdiphtheriaandpertussisvaccines.html'>vaccine</a> can prevent tetanus. It is given as a part of routine childhood immunization. Adults should get a tetanus shot, or booster, every 10 years. If you get a bad cut or burn, see your doctor - you may need a booster. Immediate and proper wound care can prevent tetanus infection.</p> 1/10
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CUI    C0039614
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013742 L3370624preferred S3898116 Y СТОЛБНЯК
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D013742 L0905148no S1108965 Y STOLBNIAK
RussianMDRRUS 10009663 L15768947no S19038985 Y Инфекция, вызываемая Clostridium tetani
RussianMDRRUS 10043376 L15796362no S19083861 N Столбняк
RussianMDRRUS 10043376 L15796362no S19083861 Y Столбняк
Medical Subject Headings A0124503 AT38133148 A disease caused by tetanospasmin, a powerful protein toxin produced by CLOSTRIDIUM TETANI. Tetanus usually occurs after an acute injury, such as a puncture wound or laceration. Generalized tetanus, the most common form, is characterized by tetanic muscular contractions and hyperreflexia. Localized tetanus presents itself as a mild condition with manifestations restricted to muscles near the wound. It may progress to the generalized form.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0318642 AT51219857 disease caused by tetanospasmin, a powerful protein toxin produced by Clostridium tetani; tetanus usually occurs after an acute injury, such as a puncture wound or laceration; generalized tetanus, the most common form, is characterized by tetanic muscular contractions and hyperreflexia; localized tetanus presents itself as a mild condition with manifestations restricted to muscles near the wound.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13050637 AT211621474 Infekční onemocnění způsobené exotoxinem (tetanotoxinem), který vytváří bakterie Clostridium tetani žijící např. v trávicím traktu dobytka a přítomná též v půdě. Při proniknutí do rány vytváří toxin, který se šíří do nervového systému. Za různě dlouhou dobu (od 2 dnů až po několik týdnů) vznikají těžké svalové křeče. Pacient je ohrožen selháním srdce a zadušením během křečového záchvatu, který vnímá při plném vědomí. Průběh může být velmi těžký a i přes intenzivní léčbu často (až v 50%) vede k smrti. Lokální tetanus má příznaky omezené na určitou oblast, především v okolí rány, s kontrakturami a křečemi okolních svalů. Důležitá je prevence onemocnění (pravidelné očkování), správné ošetření každé rány a podání tzv. připomínací malé dávky očkovací látky ("protitetanovka"); přesný způsob profylaxe závisí např. na době posledního očkování. Léčba spočívá v chirurgickém ošetření, profylaxi (toxoid, popř. sérum), při propuklém onemocnění je základní léčbou lidský hyperimunní globulin, intenzivní péče, antibiotika, tlumení křečí, symptomatická terapie. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2014 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz)
NCI Thesaurus A17686481 AT197999174 A serious infectious disorder that follows wound contamination by the Gram-positive bacterium Clostridium tetani. The bacteria produce a neurotoxin called tetanospasmin, which causes muscle spasm in the jaw and other anatomic sites.
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A17686481 AT220002602 A disorder that is caused by Clostridium tetani toxin, which is usually acquired from wound contamination. The neurotoxin causes muscle spasm in the jaw and other anatomic sites.
MEDLINEPLUS A21142825 AT220107719

Tetanus is a serious illness caused by Clostridium bacteria. The bacteria live in soil, saliva, dust, and manure. The bacteria can enter the body through a deep cut, like those you might get from stepping on a nail, or through a burn.

The infection causes painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over the body. It can lead to "locking" of the jaw. This makes it impossible to open your mouth or swallow. Tetanus is a medical emergency. You need to get treatment in a hospital.

A vaccine can prevent tetanus. It is given as a part of routine childhood immunization. Adults should get a tetanus shot, or booster, every 10 years. If you get a bad cut or burn, see your doctor - you may need a booster. Immediate and proper wound care can prevent tetanus infection.