C0393706 - A neurological disorder characterized by recurring seizures presenting within the first three months of life, progressive cerebral dysfunction, and an EEG pattern of periods of low electrical brain activity interspersed with bursts of high spiky activity. 1/10
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CUI    C0393706
RussianMDRRUS 10071545 L15773331preferred S19075084 N Ранняя детская эпилептическая энцефалопатия со вспышкой-подавлением
RussianMDRRUS 10071545 L15773331preferred S19075084 Y Ранняя детская эпилептическая энцефалопатия со вспышкой-подавлением
RussianMDRRUS 10071546 L15740824no S19079525 Y Синдром Отахара
NCI Thesaurus A24380754 AT205722346 A neurological disorder characterized by recurring seizures presenting within the first three months of life, progressive cerebral dysfunction, and an EEG pattern of periods of low electrical brain activity interspersed with bursts of high spiky activity.
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A24380754 AT210363979 A neurological disorder characterized by recurring seizures presenting within the first three months of life, progressive cerebral dysfunction, and an EEG pattern of periods of low electrical brain activity interspersed with bursts of high spiky activity.