C1562615 - The skillful use of the hands to diagnose and treat structural and functional abnormalities in various tissues and organs throughout the body, including bones, joints, muscles, and other soft tissues. 3/10
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CUI    C1562615
(AOT) Authorized Osteopathic Thesaurus A10759249 AT63257679 The use of hands-on manipulation to diagnose and treat dysfunction in the structure and function of the body. This terminology is used primarily by allopathic physicians and non-osteopathic practitioners outside of the United Sates to describe manipulative medicine.
SNOMEDCT_US 3682345017 A8387753 AT235535764 The skillful use of the hands to diagnose and treat structural and functional abnormalities in various tissues and organs throughout the body, including bones, joints, muscles, and other soft tissues.